band lore
text goes here eventually :) wait a bit longer oops
irl history
this is the second page
fav charas
i love love love all the gwar characters. BUT i do have my favorites - so im gonna gush about them here!
my ult favs are balsac the jaws o death (rhythm guitarist), jizmak da gusha (drums), and sawborg destructo (nemesis)
side projects
there is a HUGE cluster fuck of bands that are tied to GWAR in one way or another. this little page is talking specifically about bands that would not have happened without GWAR existing.

The first of these bands would be the X-Cops!
X-Cops was formed while filming the 1994 film Skullhedface, there's a few fake commercials featured in the movie. One of which includes Pete Lee (Flattus Maximus) and Dave Brockie (Oderus Urungus) as police officers. Pete came up with the idea to form the band because "What would be cooler than a bunch of cops playing kick-ass rock and roll?"
Much like GWAR X-Cops is a costumed band where everyone would put on a new persona for the stage. The original three-piece line up included: Sheriff Tubb Tucker (Pete Lee) on guitar, Patrolman Cobb Knobbler (Dave Brockie) on bass and vocals, and Cadet Billy Club (Mike Dunn) on drums. However the band would grow before playing their first show in 1994.
- The full line up would include:
- Sheriff Tubb Tucker (Casey Orr) (vocals)
- Sgt. Al Depantsia (Pete Lee) (lead guitar)
- Lt. Louie Scrapinetti (Michael Derks) (rhythm guitar)
- Patrolman Cobb Knobbler (Dave Brockie) (bass)
- Cadet Billy Club (Mike Dunn) (drums)
- Mountain Bike Officer Biff Buff (Brad Roberts) (add. vocals)
- Sgt. Zypygski A.K.A. Zipper Pig (Bob Gorman) (add. vocals)
- Detective Phillip McRevis (Dave Musel) (samples)
X-Cops would have a short preformance history only opening for GWAR on a few stops during their 1994 "This Toilet Earth" tour and had a small headlining tour in 1995. Their last show was in 1996, excluding a reunion show during the 4th annual GWAR-B-Q in Richmond, VA in 2014.
As of now X-Cops has only had two studio releases. Their debut album titled You Have The Right To Remain Silent... (1995) and a 7" single Beat You Down (1996) which includes the songs "Junkie" (which is the first released vocal preformance of Michael Derks) and "Beat You Down". Though in April 2023 Matt Maguire and Michael Derks announced on Instagram and Twitch that there is a new X-Cops EP on the way - along with vinyl reprints of the first album!
You can listen to X-Cops' album here! | And the single here!

Köszönöm only has one self-titled single which was recorded in April 1994. However, it wouldn't be released until 1997 as the third single in GWAR's Slave Pit Singles fan club tape series. Unlike other projects from this era none of the songs were featured in GWAR's 2000 compilation album Slaves Going Single.
Köszönöm's sound is a lot more... emo (for lack of a better word) than the other bands listed on this page. The lyrics are a lot more poetic/personal and the instrumentals are more prog like than the others. (and thats part of why i like it so much!)
The Liner Note from the original fan club email was: "Köszönöm is a math rock band featuring Jizmak on drums, myself on bass, and two members of the now defunct band ‘the Kenmores’. This tape is filled with confusing riffs and back-mixed vocals. I dare you to try to tap your foot to this one."
- The band consisted of:
- Dwain Curd (vocals)
- Tannon Penland (guitar)
- Michael Derks (bass)
- Brad Roberts (drums)
Little is known about Köszönöm online. I don't think they ever preformed live but I could be wrong about that!
You can listen to Köszönöm here!

Wolfgang A.M. was an experimental rock cover band. They have one released single titled Wolfgang A.M. - A New World of Sound: Hi-Fonic Demonstration Album It was the fourth single to be apart of the Slave Pit Singles and tracks 1 and 3 ("B-Day Boy" and "Every Little Thing She Do") would later be apart of Slaves Going Single.
The Liner Notes from the fan club email are:
Wolfgang A.M. is a studio project I did with our old soundman Scott Wolfe, and our old videographer, Melanie Mandel. The name came from my deceased rotwieller, Wolfgang, and the fact that we would only record in the middle of the night when we could break in to the studio for free. Wolfgang A.M. only does covers of other peoples songs
All of the samples on this tape were used without permission
R.I.P. Wolfgang
- Wolfgang A.M. was made up of:
- DJ Dirty D (Michael Derks) (sequencer, turntables, drump programming, vocals)
- Ilsa (She Wolf of the A.M.) (Melanie Mandel) (sequencer, chello, vocals)
- Klaus Karmel (Scott Wolfe) (drum programming, engineer, guitar, vocals)
Like Köszönöm, I'm pretty sure this band just exists as a one off single and nothing really more came from it. That doesn't mean it isn't good though! If experimental rock is something you're into I'm sure Wolfgang A.M. is going to be a good listen!
You can listen to Wolfgang A.M. here!