
date: 04.27.2024

mood: HAPPY!!!

music: booyaka 619 - P.O.D

i went to my first WWE live show last night and HOLY SHIT!!!! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN ToT
ive only been watching (pro) wrestling/WWE since the 2024 rumble so im WAY new to this and i think that going to a live event fully cemented my love for this whole thing. from the first match of the night (LA knight vs ivar) it made me realize how happy this whole thing makes me :') i actually almost cried from excitment because i knew the show would only get better from there -- and it DID!!! i got to see all my (active) favorite superstars that night ♥ ♥ ♥ and im still (obviously) riding that feeling
i cannot WAIT until theres another show near me to go to, i miss the feeling of being there already :(

im baaack

date: 01.20.2024

mood: motivated

music: cool kids - screeching weasel

this rambles a bit too long to put into the update log LOLOL

i got motivated to start working on my site again after going down a rabbit hole of punk band fansites on the waybackmachine ♥
im not making any promises to myself on how long this is gonna last tho LMAO -- i really want to have a perfect webpage but i always loose steam halfway thru doing anything :(
like i do the fun part (the formatting) and im liek 'okayyyyy ... i gotta type shit out now? BORINGGGGGG im gonna go play minecraft for 12 hours instead'

ANYWAYS -- for the rest of the journal page, i think im gonna get rid of the concert diary part? i dont really update it and havent like. ever. and the only entry there is for slaughter to prevail rn which after >__> the drama of the lead singer being shitty uhm! i dont wanna keep that around lolol. still was a good show :) but more so for the memories i made and not the band :P which is something i thought since the actual day of the concert. ANYWAY, whatever.
im also gonna get rid of the shrines that i havent started and start a new one :D !!! which circles back to the reason i got motivation to code again ♥ ♥ ♥
anytime i see old fansites for things i get so emotional ToT since the start of the internet ppl just want to show off their favorite guys!!! thats so... human. holding up something and going 'hey i like this! everyone look! LOOK!!'
so, shout out to the various screeching weasel, the queers, and other punk band sites that have stood the test of time and got archived before geocities got shut down. those webmasters probably didnt dream that their sites would still inspire others to make their own pages for their favorite bands. they probably never thought that decades later people would still look at them and discover new bands via their site. ... thats so cool. i hope my site lasts that long ♥


date: 05.02.2023

mood: ehh

music: overlord - skinless

this entry is mostly just to test how longer forms of txt look like on the page. but yeah! first entry yay :D
sooo uh. not rlly sure what to put here. im glad to be working on the site again thats for sure! on my "music rambles" section i plan on talking about whatever concerts i go to, albums i listen to, or just bands that i like!! but as for the main blog o_o no clue yet
but i need something on this site other than just shrines and a bio i think LOL

kk - im gonna go code other bits now. byeeee